Thursday, September 17, 2009


THIS SCAM SITE IS AGAIN ONLINE...HEY WATCH OUT THEY ARE SCAM...I'VE JOINED THIS SITE WAY BACK NOV 2008 AND I PAID ALMOST 2000 PESOS FOR DOING AN OFFLINE JOB..THE NAME OF THEIR SITE BEFORE WAS and now they change it to did the offline job so seriously, i typed the pdf file into doc file. if I'm not mistaken I typed 250 pages (standard bond paper size).after I finished the typing job,I sent it to an email address they gave me and they emailed me back telling me that they will review my work and send me an email after 15 days about my payment.  I waited of course and when the 15 days is over I was so excited to open my email to check if they sent me an email about my payment but there was no email from them, I sent many emails and called them many times to ask for my payment but they just got my info's and told me that they will email me back but at the end i never received any email,, their site looks so professional that made me pay them for a job but only to find out they are SCAM. So, guys i hope this is a lesson for all of us that "not all glitters are gold"..never "judge a book by its cover"....HOPE YOU GOT WHAT I MEAN by this 2 popular saying.

1 comment:

SamKhaN said...

oO yes there are spam sites, making works like pro`s, beaware of them guys
very bad experiance